General Knowledge Question Often Repeated in NTS PPSC OTS

?             Invoice is:-

A statement which describes full particulars concerning the quality and price of goods

?      Reuters is a word known:-News agency

?      Modern computers as compared to earlier computers are:-

Faster and smaller

?        Which US Ambassador killed with Zia: Raphael

?        Pedagogy is the study of : teaching

?           Which Vegetable has the most Potassium: Spinach

?      What is the qualification of Mahathir Mohamad: Medical Doctor

?        From which University Sartaj Aziz Graduate: Harward

?      What is the name of the Treaty for formulation of European Union: Maastricht

?      What is name of Operation for the killing of Osama bin Laden: Neptune Spear

?        What is the capital name of Kosovo: Pristina

?      Maslow theory of needs for which purpose: Motivation

?        Who said that Man is a Political Animal: Aristotle

?          What is the name of grassland of Argentina: Pampas

?        From Which U Thant belongs to: Burma

?      Who share the disputed with UK on Falkland Island: Argentina

?      Which district has the least population in Punjab: Rajanpur

?      Which UNO org has the all the member countries: General Assembly

?      Which Greenhouse gas has most heat: Corbodinoxide

?      Who is the auditor general of Pakistan: Rana Asad Amin

?        How many Divisions of Punjab: 9

?        When India first time test the atom bomb: 1974

?      Who is the ex-foreign minister of India: Salman Khurshid

?        Total District in Pak; 133

?        Total District in Punjab; 36

?          Total District in KP; 26

?        Oldest Cantonment of Pakistan; Kohat

?      India Construct Wuller Berrage on which river; Jhelum

?      Commander in Chief who was also defense minister in civil Govt; Ayub

?      Who was 2nd Martial Law Administrator; Yahiya Khan

?        Smallest Division of KP; Bannu

?        Jinah Of Pakistan was written by; Stanley Wolpert

?        Shalimar Garden was built by; Shah Jehan.

?        Tomb of Iqbal located in; Near Badshahi Masjid

?      Gadani Beach is located in which province; Baluchistan

?        Karakurom Highway connect Pak with; China

?        Smallest state by area; Malta

?        Plant exhale at night time which gas; CO2

?      Distance from north and south equator is called; Latitude

?        Eastern Meditarian Island cypress divided between

?        Which two country; Greece and Turkey

?        Reuters is the news agency of; UK

?        WWW statnd ; World wide web

?        Most urbanized province of pak; Sindh

?          Black Gold is the name of; Oil

?        Coldest area of the world; Siberia

?        Capital of Azad Jamu Kashmir; Muzaffarabad

?        Pak won world cup in; 1992

?      which are of Pakistan is sandwitch between china and Indian occupied Kashmir; Baltistan

?      In 1945-46 which war was fought; First Anglo Sikh war

?        Bristol is the sea port of; Uk

?      1999 UN peacekeeping mission to which country; Kosovo

?        Oldest barrage of Pakistan; Sukkur

?          Gulf war participate by which countrys; Iraq

?      From the moon which structure on the land visible; The great wall of China

?        Country shortest coastline; Monaco

?      Country biggest irrigation system of the world; Pakistan

?        Largest planet of the solar system; Jupiter

?        City of canals; Venice

?        China situated in which part of Asia; East Asia

?        Sweden currency; Krona

?        Cedi is the currency; Ghana

?        Romania Currency; Lei

?      First cabinet of Pakistan established; 15 August, 1947

?        M Ghaznavi Destroyed; Somnath Temple

?        Tipu Sultan died in; 4 Mysore war.

?        Which country has a least population growth; China

?        Lome is the; capital of Togo

?      "Pakistan, the heart of Asia" is a book written by liaqat Ali Khan in; 1950.

?        Founder of Mughal Empire; Babur

?        _____act against diseases; Antibodies

?        Princess Zeb un Nisa’s Father: Aurangzeb

?        Pedagogy is the study of : teaching

?      5 cars attached bumper to bumper, how many bumpers are connected : 8

?      A person standing in a queue at place six from both sides, how many total persons in the queue : 11

?      A couple has 7 daughters and each daughter has one brother, how many total they are: 10

?      Maj shabbir sharif shaheed got which military award other than nishan e haider: Sitar e Jurat

?      Sharmeen obaid oscar winning documentary movie: Saving face (& A Girl in the River)

?        Q & A Writer of slumdog millionaire: Vikas Swarup

Most illegaly traded animal: Pangolin

?        Drama serial “Waris” written by: Amjad Islam Amjad

Secretary General of UN in 1953-54: Dag Hammarskjöld

?          Reshma, folk singer died in: 3 November, 2013

?        Facebook started in: 2004

?        Old name of Zimbabwe: Southern Rhodesia

?        Original name of Santosh Kumar: Syed Musa Raza

?        where is Lal Sohanra Park: Bahawalpur

?        bleaching powder formula? : Calcium hypochlorite

?      When ship travels from fresh water to the ocean or sea: rises

?        1 hectare is equal to how many acres: 2.47

?        Gas to liquid conversion: Condensation

?        Baglihar dam is constructed on river: Chenab

?          Diphtheria disease is related to: Throat

?        Epistemology deals with : Knowledge

?        Ustad Allah Baksh a famous painter: Belgium

?      Kamran bradari is made by kamran who is: Son of Babur, brother of Humayun

?        Headquarter of African union is: Addis Abbaba

?        The clash of civilization is written by: Huntington

?        Deosai national park is situated in: Gilgit Baltistan

?        Term of 21st amendment is approved for: 2 years

?        Abdul Sattar Edhi got Lenin prize: 1988


?      Previous Heart of Asia conference was held at: Beijing

?      Son of Ranjit Singh who was crowned at the age of 5 years: Duleep Singh

?        Odd one out of: RAM, ROM, Cache, HDD: ROM

?        Yeast contains: Fungi

?        When was first Nobel Prize awarded: 1901

?        Detroit company in USA is famous for: automobile

?        Mustafa zaidi by profession was: Civil Servant

?        Gohar Ayub khan’s military rank: Captain

?        Indian Nuclear Test in: 1974

?      Name of the king who came to India for first time for darbaar: George V

?      HDI (Human Development Index was developed by: Mehboob ul Haq

?        Usain bolt belongs to? Jamaica

?      Fourth issue raised by Nawaz Sharif in UN assembly: Withdrawal from Siachen

?      When did pak and india composite talks start: 1997 (Originally in 1985)

?      First woman president of the UN: Vijaya Lakshmi Pundit

?        Pacemaker: regulates heart beat

?        Gibraltar connects: Mediterranean with Pacific

?        UNESCO Headquarter: Paris

?        COP 20 held in: Lima

?      Constitution of Pakistan article 257 when the people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir decide to accede to Pakistan, the relationship between Pakistan and the State shall be determined in accordance with the wishes of the people of that State.

?      What is zero-sum Game Theory: In Game theory and economic theory, a zero-sum game is a

?      mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant’s gain (or loss) of utility is exactly balanced by the losses (or gains) of the utility of the other participant(s).

?        LED: light emitting diode

?        GT road: Grand Trunk

?        Tower of Pisa: Italy

?        Earth rotation: 24 hours

?          Hingol Park: Balochistan

?        Pemra chairman: Absar Alam

?      1st panipat battle fought between: Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi

?        Swiss women voting right: 1971

?      Founder of De beer (Diamond Exploration Company): Cecil Rhodes

?      Kingdom Saudi Arabia renamed from Najad to Saudi Arabi in: 1932

?        Indian Nobel prize winner: Amartya Sen

?      Who performed role of Quaid e azam? Christopher Lee

?        Presidency of U.N. rotate every: One month

?          Single computer can operate without? LAN card.

?        Liquid turns to gas Process? Volatile

?        Taj Mahal on which river? Yamuna

?      Chauburji historical place belongs to King? Aurangzeb Alamgir

?        Which country expelled PLO in 1970? Jordan

?        Beijing declaration 1992 for: women

?        WEF idea was given by: Klaus Schwab

?        What was the father’s name of Madeline Albright?

Joseph Alport

?      Revolution of 1958 in Iraq was led by: Gen. Abdul Kari el Qasim

?          Endemic Species of Pakistan: Indus Blind Dolphin

?        Painting in Italy by: Michelangelo

?        Rio de summit 1992 with effect from: March 1994

?      Convention on Wetlands in Ramsar which is a city of? Iran

?      Herbert Simon’s four basic motivations for subordinates do not include? Social Disapproval

“Right is a reasonable claim recognized by the society and enforced by the state”, said by?


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