Very Important General Knowledge Everyone Should Have

?          The biggest planet in solar system is; Jupiter

?        The brightest planet I n the solar system is; Venus

?        The only planet where life exists is ; Earth

?        The sun is mainly composed of ; Nitrogen

?        The temperature of outer surface of the sun is ; 6000


?        The nearest planet of the sun is ; Mercury

?        The moon is _____ size of the mother planet; ¼

?      The sun light takes almost ___ to reach on the earth; 8 mintues

?      The moon revolves round the earth is almost __ days; 28

?      The fragment of planets lying between the mars and Jupiter are called; Asteroids

?      The earth is ; 3 posiition from the sun and is the 4th largest planet in the solar system.

?        The outer layer of the earth is known as ; Crust

?        The total land area of the earth is; 29.08%

?        The period of earth rotation is ; 365days

?        The lowest point at the earth is ; Dead Sea

?      The deepest point of the earth Mariana Trench is in the ocean ; Pacific

?      In the earth composition which element is the maximum are; Oxygen

?      The 2nd biggest constituent of the composition of the earth is ; Silicon

?      The longest day on the northern hemisphere is ; 22 June

?      Equinox is the phenomenon ; Days and Nights are equal

?      Lunar Eclipse on a full moon day when; The earth comes between the sun and moon

?      Trade winds are steady currents of air blowing towards the equator from; North east and south east

?      Which among the rocks do not contain fossils ; Igneous

?        Gypsum chalk are examples of ; sedimentary

?        Marble and slate are examples of ; Metamorphic

?        There are no volcanoes in ; Australia

?       The intensity of the energy released by an Earthquake is measured by the ; Richter scale

?      The ocean water contains ___ of dissolved salts ; 3.5%

?        The largest river of the world is ; Amazon

?        An-Nafud desert is located in ; Saudi Arabia

?        Nubian deser is located in ; Sudan

?        Atacama desert is located in ; Chile

?        Chihuahua desert is located in ; USA

?        Death valley is located in; California

?        Great sandy desert is located in ; Australia

?        Gobi desert is located in; Mangolia

?        Kalaharia desert is located in ; South Africa

?        Karakum desert is located in; Turkmenistan

?        Kavir desert(Dasht-e-kavir) is located in ; Iran

?        Kyzylkum desert is located in; Uzbekistan

?        Dasht-e-Lut desert is located in; Eastern Iran

?        Mojave desert is located in ; South California

?        Namib desert is located in; Namibia

?        Sahara desert is located in ; Africa to Atlantic

?        Simpson desert is located in; Central Australia

?        Syrian desert is located in; Arabia to Iraq

?        Thar desert is located in ; Pakistan

?        Albert canal is located in ; Belgium

?          Amsterdam Rhine canal flows in ; Netherlands

?        Cape code canal is located in ; USA

?        Houston Ship channel is located in ; USA

?        Kiel and Main Danube canal flows in ; Germany

?        White sea Baltic canal flows in ; Russia

?        Suez canal flows in ; Egypt

?        Salute saint Marie canal is located in ; Canada

?        Panama canal located in ; Panama

?        Manchester ship canal located ; England

?        Corinth canal located in ; Greece

?        Longest shipping canal is ; Beloye-More

?        Suez canal connects ; Red sea to Mediterranean

?      Panama canal connects___ oceans; Pascific to Atlantic

?        Amazon river is located in ; South America

?        Colorado river flows in; USA

?        Niagara river is located in ; USA-Canada

?        Niger river is located in; Africa

?        Rhine river is located in; Europe

?        Rio Grande river is located in; Mexico and USA

?        St.Lawrence river is located in; Canada-USA

?        Seine river is flow in; France

?          Shannon river is flow in; Ireland

?        Thames river is flow in; UK

?        Volga river is flow in; Russia

?        Yangtze river is flow in; China

?        Zambezi river is flow in; Africa

?      River carries more water than any other river; Amazon

?        Which river has created the Grand Canyon; Colorado

?      Which river of Australia is the longest river, it is tributary of the Muurray; Darling

?        ____ is Canada largest river ; Mackenzie

?        Which river is mentioned most often in Bible; Jordan

?      Which river is considered sacred by members of the Hindu faith; Ganges

?      Which river is called yellow river due to large amount of yellow silt deposits; Haung He

?        ____ is the longest river of the world; River Nile

?      China longest and world third longest river is ; Yangtze

?        Which river flows through the heart of Paris; Seine

?      Which river connects the Great lakes and Atlantic Ocean; St.Lawrence

?          Which river makes famous Niagara fall; Niagara

?      __ is made by the rivers at mouth where river empties; Delta

?        Euphrates river is flow in; Iraq

?        Tigris river is flow in ; Iraq

?        Sutlej river is flow in; Pakistan

?      Limpopo river is flow in; Africa(south Africa, Botswana Morambique

?        Paraguay river is flow in; South America

?        Moselle river is flow in; Europe

?        Ural river is flow in; Europe (Russia , kzakhstan)

?        Tome river is flow in; Europe

?        Tagus river is flow in;Europe

?      ___ is a fertile land region that lies between the Murray and Lachlan River in South Wales; Riverine

?      Melting ice of Himalayas of northern India is the source of ____ river; Ganga

?        Which is the biggest ocean of world ; Pascific

?        Which is the deepest ocean; Pacific

?       While sailing from U.K to USA which ocean is crossed Atlantic

?       The Bermuda Triange is an imaginary area located off the South Eastern Atlantic coast of the ; U.S

?        The % of salt in NACL in the ocean water is ; 77.8%

?        Which of the biggest sea of the world ; south china

?        Yellow sea is located near; china

?        Black sea is located near; Turkey

?        White sea lies near; Russia

?        Karachi borders____ ; Arabia sea

?      Caspian sea is the biggest salt water lake located on the border of ; Iran

?        Red sea is near; Saudi Arabia

?        Aral sea is in; Central Asia

?      Western Tropical Pacific ocean ha ___ surface water; warmest

?      Which element is not component of ocean salinity; Ni

?      Evaporation is high in ___ areas of ocean; Subtropical

?        Rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water is called; Tides

?      ___ strait connects Mediterranean sea with Atlantic ocean. Gibraltar

?        Gibraltar strait is ____ km long; 51

?      Pillars of Hercules are located at ____ side of Gibraltar Strait; Eastern

?      ___ in Spain marks the Western limit of Gibraltar strait; Cape Trafalgar

?      A narrow channel of water between two large bodies of water is called; Strait

?      Only strait between Atlantic and Pacific ocean is; Magellan

?      ___ joins Aegean sea with the sea of Marmora; Dardanelles

?      ___ joins black Sea and the sea of Marmora; Bosporus

?        Dardanelles is ___ km wide at narrowest point; 1.5

?        Average width of Dardanelles strait is ___ km ; 5-6

?        Bosporus is located in north western; Turkey

?        Length of Bosporus strait is ___ km long; 30

?        Bosporus strait is ___ km wide; 0.8-3

?      ___ city lies at the southern end of Bosporus strait ; Istanbul

?        The broadest strait of the world is ; Davis

?      ___ is a body of land smaller than a continent and surrounded by water; Island

?          ___ is the largest island of the world ; Greenland

?        Greenland covers an area of ____ km2; 2175600

?        A small island is called ; Islet

?      A broad expanse of sea with a large number of islands is called; Archipelago

?        ___ islands are made by oceanic volcanoes; Volcanic

?        Canary island is located in continent ; Africa

?        Madagascar island is located in continent ; Africa

?        Bahrain island is located in continent; Asia

?        Indonesia island is located in continent; Asia

?      Capri and Elba islands is located in continent; Europe

?        Timor island is located in continent; Asia

?        Rhodes island is located in continent; Europe

?        Marshall island is located in ; Pacific Ocean

?        Tonga island is located in ; Pacific ocean

?        Which island is not located in pacific ocean; Bahamas

?        Buddo & Bundal islands are located in; Sindh

?        Which is the highest mountain peak; Mt Everest

?        Andes mountain range is in ; South America

?        Alps lies on the border of ; France and Italy

?        Highest of the k2 is ; 8611m

?          Tirish Mir is in the range of ; Hindukush

?        Haifa is port of ; Israel

?        San Francisco is famous for ; petroleum product

?        Marseilles a famous port is in ; France

?        Rio-de Janeiro is in ; Brazil

?        Zan Ziber is in; South Africa

?        Wellington is in ; New Zealand

?        Perth is in ; Australia

?        Cape town is in ; south Africa

?        Cardiff is a sea port ; U.K.

?        Post saad is in ; Syria

?      Ganga river Brahamaputra and Irrawaddy rivers empty in ; Bay of Bengal

?        ____ is northern part of Indian ocean; Bay of Bengal

?      _____ lies to the West of France and North of Spain; Bay of Biscay

?        Bay of Bengal boarders the; Bangaldesh

?        How high is angel waterfall; 3212 feet

?        Tugela waterfall is in ; South Africa

?        Karmi waterfall is in; Australia

?        Delta waterfall is in; Canada

?        Sutherland waterfall is in ; New Zealand

?          Cuquenan waterfall is in; Venezuela

?        Giessbach waterfall is in; USA

?        Gavarnie waterfall is in; France

?        Horseshoe waterfall is in; Canada

?        American waterfall is in; Norway

?      Which country is the largest producer of wheat; China

?      What is the botanical name of wheat; Triticum indicum

?        To which family wheat belongs ; Graminae

?        Which is the height of wheat plant ; 2-4 feet

?        Wheat is a crop of ____ season; Rabi

?      What temperature does wheat require for growth; 66*F

?      How many inches rainfall is required for wheat in hot countries; 10 inches

?      How many inches rainfall is required for wheat in cold countries; 10 inches

?      How much area in the world is under cultivation of wheat; 215 million hectors

?      Name the country which is the largest producer of rice; china

?          What is the botanical name of rice; Oryza Sativa

?        To which family rice belongs ; Graminae

?        What is the height of rice plant ; 3-6 feet

?        Rice is a crop ____ season; Kharif

?      What temperature does rice require for growth; 70*F

?      How many inches rainfall is required for the growth of rice; 40-80 inches

?      What type of soil is best suited for the growth of rice; slit

?        How many countries in world are rice producer; 114

?      Name the country which is the largest producer of sugarcane ; India

?      Write the botanical name of sugarcane ; Saccharum Officinarum

?        To which family sugarcane belongs; Graminae

?        What is the height of sugarcane plant; 6-12 feet

?        Sugarcane is a crop of ___ season ; kharif

?      What temperature does sugarcane require for growth; 70-80*F

?      How many inches rainfall is required for the growth of sugarcane; 60 inches

?      How much area in the world is under cultivation of sugarcane ; 19.5 million hectors

?      How many countries in the world are producing sugarcane ; 97

?        What is Pakistan major export; cotton

?      Name the country which is the largest producer of cotton; Russia

?        To which family cotton belongs ; Malvaceae

?        Write the height of cotton plant; 40-230 cm

?        Cotton is a crop of ____ season; Rabi

?      What temperature does cotton require for growth; 70-90*F

?      How many inches rainfall is required for growth of cotton ; 30-40 inches

?        From which part of cotton do we get fiber ; flower

?        Among the cotton producers Pakistan number is ; 4

?        Soybean is famous in world for _____ production; Oil

?        At what temperature soybean grows; 80-90*F

?      Soybean is fulfilling the ____ need of oil in world; 60%

?        Soybean is _____ season crop; Kharif

?        _____ is the largest producer of soybean; Argentine

?          At what temperature sunflower grows; 45-50*F

?      Which country is the largest producer of sunflower; Argentine

?      Among the sunflower cultivating countries Pakistan stands at ___ number; 22

?      ____ environment is best suited for the cultivation of mustard ; cold

?        At what temperature mustard grows; 25-30*C

?      Time for the cultivation of mustard is ; September to November

?        Mustard is a crop of ____ season; Rabi

?      In Pakistan the production of sunflower is _____ per hector ; 859 kilograms

?        Mostly peanut is cultivated in _____ areas ; Barani

?        Peanut grows at temperature of ; 40*C

?        _____ soil is best for the cultivation of peanut; Sandy

?        In world per hector production of peanut is ; 6075Kg

?      Peanut is a rich source of oil _____ and vitamins ; proteins

?        The largest producer of corn oil in the world is ; USA

?        Which part of the corn is used to extract oil; Seed

?        Corn seed is rich source of ; proteins

?      Annul production of corn oil in USA is _____ million metric tons; 16.5

?      Name of Pakistan suggested by; Chaudhary Rahmat Ali

?      Quaid-e-Azam known as great leader and baba-e-Qaum also; father of nation

?      Who wrote nation anthem of Pakistan; Hafeez Jullundhri

?        Who made Pakistan flag first time; Amiruddin kidwai

?      The first capital of Pakistan was the coastal city of Karachi

?        Iskandar Mirza was first president of Pakistan

?        Liaquat Ali Khah was first minister of Pakistan

?      Anwar Zaheer Jamali was first chief justice of Pakistan

?      Benazir Bhutto was first female prime minister of Pakistan

?      Fehmida Mirza was first female speaker of national assembly of Pakistan

?      Sir Frank Messevy was first chief of army staff of Pakistan.

?      Allan Perry Keene was first chief of air staff of Pakistan

?      James Wilfred Jefford was first chief of Naval staff of Pakistan

?      Liaquat Ali Khan was first foreign minister of Pakistan.

?      Jogendra Nath Mandal was first law minister of Pakistan

?        First Tv station in Pakistan in Lahore on nov 26 1964

?        First radio station in Pakistan in Karachi

?        Marium Mukhtiar first female pilot of Pakistan

?        Faisal mosque is largest mosque in Pakistan

?        796095 km2 is total area of Pakistan

?      Balochistan is largest province of Pakistan in the term of area

?      Punjab is most population province of Pakistan almost 101.4 million

?        Around 27 language spoken in Pakistan

?        Jacobabad hottest area of Pakistan 53.3*C

?        Indus river longest and largest river of Pakistan

?        Thar in sindh is largest desert of Pakistan

?      Astola, Churna,Burdal,Manora,Karachi,Buddo,Shams pir, Khiprianwala, Baba Bhit and Bukkur are islands in Pakistan

?         Every wise man should save for…

?           Sleeping partner means:-

One who has invested in business but takes no active part in its management.

?      UN was established to:-Settle political disputes.

?      Yellow journalism refers to:-Sensationalism

?           Law is never law unless:-

?      A computer derives its basic strength from:-Memory

?      If a car drives 25 kilometres on two litres of petrol, how many litres will be needed for trip of 150 kilometres?


?      Find 60% of 70:-42

?      Vitamin C is essential for:-Appetite

?      Sound cannot travel through:-Vacuum

?           A good tax should:-

Encourage growth in all sectors of the economy.

?           A system which results in a rigid one-party

dictatorship permitting private ownership but not management of the production is:-


?      The tax levied on the import and export of commodities is named as:-

Customs duty

?      We see the flash of lightning before we hear the sound of the thunder because:-

The light rays travel much faster than the sound waves.

?      The Ozone layer plays ________ role for the organic life on earth.


?      Bonded Labour is:-Forced labour

?      If you write down all the numbers from 1-100, how many times would you write 3?

?           Complete the series.

6.   9, 13, 16, 20, 23, _______.

?        27, 30

?      A seventeen years old is not ________ to vote in elections.

Old enough

?           Promptly means:-

?      Inflation refers to:-Devaluation of money

?      Geographically Kashmir is divided into three major parts:-

Jammu, Azad Kashmir, Held Kashmir

?      “The System of Dyarchy” was scrapped in the Provinces and introduced in the centre.” This reform was introduced by:-

Government of India Act, 1935

?      An increase in hoarding results in:-Increase in prices

?      A computer cannot do anything without:-Input device

?      One of the infectious diseases conveyed from one person to another through air is:-


?           Lunar Eclipse takes place when:-

The shadow of the earth falls on the moon

?       A man buys a shirt for Rs. 70 after getting a discount of 20%. What was the marked price on the shirt?

?        Rs. 87.50

?           Give the next two numbers in the following series:-

23.   30, 21, 33, 19, 36, ______

17.   39

?      What is meant by mopia? Short sightedness

?      The examiner made us ________ our identification in order to be admitted to the test centre.


?      Which of these is the most predominant in the composition of atmosphere?


?      Indicate the word which has the correct spellings:-Existence

?           Federal revenues are maximum from:-

?           Soda water serves as:-

?           General Sales Tax is levied on:-

The sale price of goods which are produced in the country

?      Electricity of 220 volts is normally used for domestic purposes because this is:-

The average voltage acquired by the domestic circuit

?      Special glasses are recommended to see solar eclipse because:-

They refract light

?           Calorie is a ____________.

?       Optical Fiber System is ______. Telecommunication system

?      The plural from of loaf is:-Loaves

?      Federal revenues are maximum from:-Excise and sales taxes

?      The tax imposed on the property/owners of houses of plots and motor vehicles is called:-

Wealth tax

?           Barter system means:-

?      What function is performed by liver in the human body?

Acts as a store house of digested sugar

?      A soldier drove east for four miles, then drove north for five miles, then turned to his left and drove for one mile and again turned to his left. Which choice gives the direction in which he was driving now? South

?           Physiotherapy is a curative method for:-

?      If two steel balls having different masses are allowed to fall freely from the roof of a building, they

will reach the ground:-


?      Dialysis is meant for:-Kidneys

?      The people of the Bosnia-Herzegovina voted in favour of independence from:-


?           Slump means:-

?           Addiction means:-

?      A man sneezes when he has cold:-Because he cannot help it

?      Why do you need a doctor’s prescription to buy certain drugs?

Because they can do harm if misused

?      A computer consists mainly of electronic:-Devices

?           Six students in a class failed in algebra. This

represents 16? per cent of the class. How many students passed the course?


?             A boy walked for ½ hour and then got a bus for 1/3

of an hour. What part of an hour did the entire trip take?


?      In a democratic country which of the following is considered the fourth estate?


?           A coalition government means:-

Government formed by two or more political parties

?      Local authorities receive the largest portion of their income from:-

Urban immovable property tax

?      Municipal tax on articles coming inside a city is called:-


?        The book entitled ‘Empire and Islam: Punjab and The

Making of Pakistan’ was written by:-D.Gilmartin

?      Research in the work place reveals that many people work for many reasons

?        Besides money

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