Computer Science Mcqs For NTS Test

In cyber crimes,

(A) The computer is a tool     (B) The computer is a

target (C) Both (A) and ( B )  (D) Neither (A) nor ( B )

Ans: C

?      Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using

(A)   Adobe Photoshop ( B ) Excel ( C ) Notepad (D) Power Point Ans: B

?        Nod 32, Norton and Panda are

(A) Search engines                  ( B ) Operating Systems

( C ) Antivirus software (D) Internet browsers Ans: C

?        EDUCOMP

(A)    Reaches out to the entire education cycle – preschool toddlers to post graduate students

( B ) Delivers the core curriculum subjects at school and college levels as well as vocational and employability skills

( C ) Empowers with IT education and IT enabled learning

(D)   All of the above Ans: D

?        Identify a web browser from the following

(A)   Yahoo ( B ) Internet Explorer ( C ) Bing (D) DuckDuckGo Ans: B

?        Which is not a social networking site?

(A)    Google Plus ( B ) Wink ( C ) LinkedIn (D) Buzz Ans:


?      Which of the following is a wrong direction to guard against a ‘Phishing’ attack?

(A)   Log on to a site by typing the proper URL in the address bar

( B ) Ensure that the URL of the login page starts with http:// and not https:// ( C ) Give user

id and password only at authenticated login page

(D)   Look for the lock sign/icon and VeriSign certificate Ans: B

?      Which of the following is not suitable for preparation of learning materials?

(A) NETLOG               ( B ) ERIC


?        Nimbuz, Pidgin and Trillion are software used for

(A)   Blogging ( B ) Chatting( C ) Surfing (D) All of the above Ans: B

?        WWWW, in computer parlance, stands for

(A) World Wide Web Worm ( B ) World Wide Wildlife Web

( C ) World Wide Women’s Web (D) World Wide Women’s Week

?        One kilobyte (KB) is equal to

(A)   1000 bytes ( B ) 1024 bytes ( C ) 1024 bits (D) 1023 bytes Ans: B

?        One megabyte (MB) is equal to

(A)   1023 kilobytes ( B ) 1000 bytes

( C ) 100 kilobytes  (D) 1024 kilobytes Ans: D

?        One Gigabyte (GB) is equal to

(A)   1000 megabytes ( B ) 2048 megabytes ( C ) 2023 megabytes (D) 1024 megabytes Ans: D

?        8 bits forms a

(A) byte                  ( B ) nibble

( C ) kilobyte (D) None of the above Ans: A

?          The Institution set up by the Government of India to

provide computer based information services to government departments

(A)   C-DIT ( B ) CDAC ( C ) NIC (D) DOEACC Ans: C

?      Information Communication Technology (ICT) involves primarily

(A)          Enrichment of existing knowledge

( B ) Installation of equipments

( C ) Storage and communication of information

(D)   Use of technology for teaching Ans: C

?        For use of ICT, teachers should be familiar with

(A)   Programming ( B ) Browsing

( C ) Planning (D) Handling of audio-visual aids Ans: B

?        Cloud computing means

(A)   Computing using the satellite

( B ) Computing using cloud chamber technology ( C ) Computing which results in errors

(D)    Shifting computing power from offline PCs and Laptops onto the Web Ans: D

?        URL is a term associated with

(A) Computer hardware    ( B ) Internet

( C ) Laser printer                                   (D) Fax

Ans: B

?        1 GB is equal to

(A)    10000 KB ( B ) 1073741824 KB ( C ) 1048576 KB

(D)   100000 KB Ans: C

?        Computer virus is

(A)   A micro organism

( B ) A useful computer component

( C ) Electromagnetic waves entering the computer from internet

(D) A programmed Ans: D

?      Rohith was asked to prepare a multimedia presentation as part of a seminar. Which of the

following software can be made use of?

(A) Notepad                    ( B ) Excel

( C ) Power Point (D) Adobe Reader Ans: C

?        In internet terminology IP means

(A) Internet Provider            ( B ) Internet Protocol

( C ) Internet Procedure (D) Internet Processor Ans: B

?        Which one of the following is not a search engine?

(A) Bing           ( B ) Google

( C ) Yahoo (D) Windows Ans: D

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