Computer Science Mcqs For OTS Test

?          Pick out E-commerce application from the following

(A) DTP       ( C ) SQL

( C ) Tally (D) ATM Ans: D

?        Which of the following is not a browser program ?

(A) MOSAIC ( B ) Windows Explorer

( C ) Internet Explorer (D) Netscape Navigator. Ans: B

?        A kiosk offers —————

(A)   Digital Certificate ( B ) Touch Screen Application ( C ) Internet Services (D) None of these

Ans: C

?        VAN refers to—————

(A)    Virtual Analog Network ( B ) Value Added Network

( C ) Variable Address Network (D) Virtual Additional Network Ans: B

?        A Laser printer is:

(A)    an input device ( B ) an output device ( C ) both

(A) and ( B )                            (D) None of these Ans: B

?      Which one of the following is not a computer language?

(A) Java ( B ) COBOL

( C ) ASP (D) LOTUS Ans: D

?          Which of the following refers to a small local


(A)   LAN ( B ) WAN ( C ) MAN (D) SLN Ans: A

?        ATM means?

?        The term PC means?

(A)   Personal Computer ( B ) Public Computer

( C ) Private Computer (D) Professional Computer Ans: A

?      When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into corresponding bits?

(A)   ANSI ( B ) EBCDIC ( C ) ASCII (D) ISO Ans: A

?        Software, such as Explorer and Firefox, Google

Chrome are referred to as………

(A)   Systems software ( B ) Utility software ( C ) Browsers (D) Internet tools

Ans: C

?          Which of the following is not an output device?

?        Which technology is used in Compact disks?

(D)   Laser

Ans: D

?      The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as:

(A)   Software  ( B ) Firmware

?        Which access method is used for obtaining a record

from a cassette tape?

(A) Sequential ( B ) Direct

( C ) Random          (D) None of these Ans: A

?        ASCII stands for:

(A)    American Security Code for Information Interchange

(B ) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

( C ) American Scientific Code for Interchanging Information

(D)    American Standard Code for Interchanging Information

Ans: B

?      The earliest and the simplest computing device was; Abacus

?        The transistor was invented in ; 1948

?      The computers can be connected to telephone lines through; Modems

?      The set of binary instruction codes, which is directly understood by the CPU is called ; Machine Language

?      In third generation computers integrated circuits were used instead of ; Transistors

?      The life time project of Charles Babbage was to build a machine known as ; Analytical Engine

?       In 1944 Dr. Howard Aiken designed electromechanical machine known as;Mark-1

?        ROM stands for; read only memory

?        8 bit data bus can transfer; 1 byte

?        Parallel port is used for connecting ; Printer

?        The brain of the computer is ; CPU

?        Scanner is an ____ device ; Input

?        Short key ctrl+Y is used for ; Redo

?      In Microsoft word the short key ctrl + B is used for making the selected text; Bold

?      Shortcut command used for printing a document is ; ctrl + P

?        Command used for single line spacing is ; ctrl + 1

?        The bar located at the top of window, containing the

name of the application , current topics or current document is called; Title Bar

?      When there is more information that cannot fit in a window at single time then a bar is displayed at the right of bottom borders called; Scroll Bar

?      The bar, which appears immediately below the title bar on which command are grouped together for manipulating information in the windows is called; Menu Bar

?      Which software controls the entire operation of a computer; system software

?        Plotter is input or output device; output device

?      The minimum amount of RAM required for the installation of window 2000 is; 32MB

?      Which is a software program to protect the computer from viruses; Norton antivirus , Virex , Symantec

?      Virus spreads through; Floppy Disk, CD-ROM, computer network

?        SIMM stands for ; Single Inline Memory Module

?        Four nibbles are equal to ; Two bytes

?        Smallest unit of memory is ; Bit

?        1 megabyte is equal ; 1024 kilobytes

?        1 kilobytes is equal ; 1024 bytes

?      The printer in which each letter is formed with the series of dots is called; Dot Matrix Printer

?      The programs which are required to run peripheral device such as mouse keyboard, printer etc, are called; Device drivers

?      Those system software which one used to translate high , level language into low level language or machine language and vice versa are called; Programming Language Translation

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