?      A man suffering from the bleeding of gums is advised to take; Citrus fruits

?      The Red Blood Cells in a human body die after about; 120 days

?      Which part of the eye donated by a man is used in restoring the vision of another person; Cornea

?      On what day after menstruation the ovulation takes place; fourteenth day

?      Full semen for the purpose of artificial insemination is stored in ; ice

?      Which of the following is a high yielding variety of rice; IR-8

?      The mammal which lays eggs is ; Duck-billed platypus

?        A reptile with a four chambered heart is ; Crocodile

?      Bananas don’t have seeds because; Their fruits develop without fertilization

?      The plant which bears fruit only once in the life time is ; Banana

?      Sex of child is normally determined by the chromosome of; Father only

?      Fertilization means ; fusion of nuclei of male and female gametes

?      The branch of biology that deals with the study of the process of ageing is; Herpetology

?      Improvement of human race by genetic engineering is studied under; Eugenics

?        Whales breathe by; Lungs

?      Which known as jokers of plant kingdom; Mycoplasma

?      Both respiration and photosynthesis require; Cytochrome

?        Kangaroo is native animal of ; Australia

?        Number of vertebrae in man is; 33

?        Largest heart is found in ; Elephant

?      A genetically diseased father marries with a normal female and they give birth to 3 diseased girls and 5 normal sons. It may be which type of genetical disease; Sex-linked disease

?      When an animal has both the characters of male and female , it is called; Gynandromorph

?       The modern idea about ageing is that our body slowly loses the power of defence against the

invasion of germs and pathogens. This process starts by disappearance of which organ; Thymus gland

?        AIDS disease was reported firstly in; USA

?        Food is stored as reserve fuel in ; liver

?        In lead pencil , instead of lead ___ is used; graphite

?        Helium, neon and argon are called; noble gases

?        Water is made of two gases; hydrogen and oxygen

?      Which radioactive element is used in making atomic bomb; Uranium

?        Who was good conductors of electricity; Metals

?      Which element has the greatest quantity in earth crust; Aluminum

?      Which is used in making brass , bronze and German silver; Copper

?        Percentage of aluminum in earth crust is; 8.13%

?      An atom has 8 electron and 8 neutrons what will be its atomic mass; 16

?        Which atom does not have a neutron; hydrogen

?        The charge present on an electron is; negative

?        The charge present on a proton is ; positive

?      Everything which has weight and occupies space is called ; Matter

?       Isotopes of an element have same number of protons but different number of ; Neutrons

?        Hydrogen element has ___ isotopes; three

?        Water was discovered by; Henry Cavendish

?        Carbon dioxide was discovered by; Van Helmout

?        The word hydrogen means ; water producer

?        Which is used to treat salinity; Gypsum

?      The bond formed by mutual sharing of electrons of bonded atoms is; covalent

?      ___ bond is a type of covalent bond in which the shared electron pair is donated by one atom only; co-ordinate covalent

?          The chemical formula of silicon is ; SiO2

?      Limestone dolomite and magnetite are common minerals of ; Carbon

?      Two or more compounds having the same molecular formulas but different structural formulas and properties are said to be isomers and phenomena is; Isomerism

?        ____ are naturally occurring lipids; Steroids

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