?          Which metal is extracted from Hematite ; Iron

?      The distance travelled by light in one year is defined as ; Light year

?      Which light will be having the maximum velocity while passing through the prism; Red

?      A beam of white light passing through a prism scatters in; seven colors

?      Why fuses are used in electrical circuits; to break the circuits if the current is to higher

?        Heating of magnet will; weaken it

?      If there were no atmosphere , what would be the color of sky; Black

?      What will be color of a red rose if it is seen through a green glass ; Black

?      An ordinary petrol driven vehicle will not move on the surface of the moon without any modification because ; there is no oxygen

?        Sound waves cannot travel in; Vacuum

?      Which rays are having highest frequency ; Gamma rays

?      During winter if we touch a piece of metal and a piece of wood lying in the garden, the metal seem

much colder this is because metal has high ; thermal conductivity

?      Which instrument is used to detect presence of current in a circuit; Ammeter

?      If a light ray travelling through vacuum enters glass, which characteristic of the light remains same; Frequency

?        Mirage occurs due to ; the refraction of light

?        ___ is the nearest star to the son; Alpha Arora

?      How much time does the sun light takes to reach the earth; 8.3 min

?        ___is the largest planet of our solar system; Jupiter

?        Which planet has largest number of moons; Jupiter

?        Jupiter is a ball of ; gases

?        Size of the mars is half to the ; earth

?        Size of Jupiter is ___ to the earth; 11.2 times larger

?        Distance of the moon from the earth is; 384,400 km

?        The earth looks ____ from space; bright and colorful

?        The Saturn has ____ moon; 17

?        The earth has ___ moon; 1

?      The sun’s diameter is more than ___ times that of the earth; 100

?          The sun is ___ times as heavy as the earth;330,000

?      The sun’s gravity is nearly ___ times stronger than that of the earth; 28

?      The sun fills more space than ____ earth sized planets; 130,0000

?        The sun is a ; star

?      The sun is made of gases mainly; hydrogen and helium

?        The surface temperature of sun is; 6000*C

?      In the core of the sun ____ process is occurring all the times; nuclear fusion

?        The earth is ___ times heavier than the moon ; 80

?      The first man to walk on the moon was; Neil Armstrong

?      The atmosphere closest to the earth is called; Troposphere

?        Weathervane is used to detect; Direction of Wind

?      Hygrometer is used to measure the ___ in air; amount of moisture

?      Basalt and Pumica are examples of ___ rocks; Volcanic rocks

?      ___ is the circular line where the earth and the sky apparently meet; Horizon

?        Gales occur when wind moves at speed of ; 100km/h

?      Which is the brightest planet of our solar system; Venus

?      Which is the hottest planet of our solar system; Venus

?        Which planet is closest to the earth; Venus

?        Which planet is the biggest; Jupiter

?      Small rocky bodies that orbit the sun are called ; Asteroids

?        Which is the closest planet to the sun; Mercury

?      The mercury completes its rotation around its own axis in ; 58.8days

?      The Jupiter completes its rotation around its own axis in ; 10 hour

?      The Mars completes its rotation around its own axis in; 24 hours

?      The Uranus completes its rotation around its own axis in; 17.3 hours

?      The Pluto completes its rotation around its own axis in; 6.4 days

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