?      When one volume of concentrated HNO3 is mixed with 3 volumes of concentrated HCL ___ is formed; Aqua Regia

?        Most abundant element in human body is ; Oxygen

?        Symbol of sodium is ; Na

?        Chemical formula of table salt is ; Nacl

?        On pH scale ___ have value less than 7; Acid

?        _____ is used ot prevent tooth decay; Fluorine

?        Symbol of Iron is ; Fe

?      Which metal is having such a low melting point that it can melt in your hand; Gallium

?      Which non metal is liquid at room temperature; Bromine

?      _____ help to remove the permanent hardness of water; Washing soda

?      When steam is passed through red hot iron, which gas will be produced; hydrogen

?        Oxygen is prepared on a large scale from; Air

?        Which is used as a fire extinguisher; carbon dioxide

?        Which substance is used as a lubricant ; graphite

?        _____ is a chemical change; burning of wax

?      Which is purest form of water; rain water after few showers

?      Which is responsible for acid rain; Nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide

?        Hydrogen is the most ____ element; stable

?      In the manufacturing of Vanaspati Ghee which gas is used; hydrogen

?        The chemical name of laughing gas is ; Nitrous oxide

?      Which is the lightest element of periodic table; Hydrogen

?        Which becomes vinegar if it’s impure; Acetic acid

?      Which element is found on the surface of moon; Titanium

?      Helium is used for respiration in deep water instead of nitrogen because; it is lighter than nitrogen

?      The mass of neutron is approximately ; equal to the mass of proton

?      Which gives the right indication of composition of bronze; copper and Tin

?        Which gas is used in soda water; carbon dioxide

?        Which form of carbon is good conductor ; graphite

?      Which is the main constituent of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) ; propane

?        Which is an example of an oxide ore; Bauxite

?      An instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure is called ; Barometer

?      The branch of science which deals with properties of matter and energy is called; Physics

?      Electromagnetic wave theory of light was proposed by ; Maxwell

?      Natural radioactivity was discovered by Becquerel in; 1896

?        X-rays were discovered by ; Roentgen

?      The velocity of light was determined accurately by; Michel Son

?        Second law of thermodynamics was given by; Kelvin

?        Neutron was discovered by; Chadwick

?        Transistor was invented by; Bardeen

?      The circumference of the earth was determined by ; Al-Beruni

?      The orbits of sun , moon and planets were determined firstly by; Ptolemy

?        Telephone was invented by Graham Bell

?          In SI kilogram is a unit of ; mass

?        SI unit of length is ; metre

?        SI unit of force is; Newton

?        Unit of work in SI units is; joule

?        Unit of power in SI unit is; watt

?      The shortest distance between two points is called; Displacement

?        The rate of change of displacement is called; Velocity

?      Newton third law states that; after interaction of two bodies, action and reaction are equal but opposite in direction

?      Stoke’s law holds for; motion through a viscous medium

?        The diffraction of light was discovered by; Maxwell

?        The velocity of light in air or vacuum is; 3* 108 m/s

?      Soap film in sunlight appears coloured due to ; interference

?        Water waves are example of ; Transverse waves

?        Sound waves are examples of ; Longitudinal wave

?      An average ear can hear sound of frequency between; 20 to 20000 Hz

?        The radius of earth is; 6371 km

?          The volume of the earth is; 1.08 * 1021 m3

?        The mean density of earth is; 5.5 kg/m3

?        The ability of capacity to do work is called; Energy

?      Energy possessed by a body due to its motion is called ; Kinetic Energy

?      Terbela dam on Indus river produces electricity ; 1750 mega watt

?        Wind flows from area of ; high to low pressure

?        Which shell is closed to nucleus; k-shell

?        Hydrogen bomb is an example of ; Nuclear fission

?      Atomic bomb is an example of ; controlled nuclear fission

?        First atomic reactor was introduced by ; Enrico Fermi

?      The rate of change of angular momentum of a body is ; the applied torque

?      Lens which is thinner at the centre and thicker at the edge is called concave lens

?      A lens which is thick at the centre and thinner at the edges is called convex lens

?        The diameter of a lens is called ; Aperture

?        Ohm is unit of what quality; Resistance

?        Calorie is unit of what quantity; heat

?          Dyne is unit of what quantity; force

?        Angstrom is unit of what quantity ; length

?        Becquerel is unit of what quantity ; Radioactivity

?      Rainbow is produced by the ___ of light through rain drop; Reflection

?        Who invented printing press; John Guttenberg

?        Which form of energy is used by electric oven; heat

?      Light can pass through objects which are ; Transparent

?        Voltage can be calculated by formula; V=IR

?        What is the unit of capacitance; Farad

?        ___ is a rectifier which converts A.C to D.C; Diode

?      ___ field is produced when current passes through a wire; Magnetic field

?      Which does not allow the passage of current ; Insulator

?      Energy in sun produced by hydrogen nuclei is the result of ; Fusion

?        Which is the main constituent of sun; hydrogen

?        Which metal in extracted from Bauxite; Aluminium

?      Earth completes one revolution around the sun in; 3651/4 days

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