Science Portion Mcqs Preparation for NTS

?      Electric dynamo was invented by; Andrea Marie Amperes

?        Who had invented Spinning Frame; Arkwright

?        Bicycle was invented by; Macmillan

?        Sewing machine was invented by ; Elias Howe

?        Who invented Loadspeaker; Pin-kellog

?        Who invented motor cye; G. Daimler

?        Who invented printing press; Gutenberg

?        Who invented television; John L.Baird

?      Who invented magnifying glass and spectacles; Roger Bacon

?      What was invented by Sir Humphry Davy; Miner safety lamp

?      Roll photographic film was invented by ; George Eastman

?        Pencillin was discovered by; Alexander Flaming

?      Who wad the inventor of mercury thermometer; Fahrenheit

?          John Ericsson invented ; Screw Propeller

?        ____ presented theory of relativity ; Albert Einstein

?        What was invented by F.Banting; Insulin

?      Toricelli is famous due to his invention of ; Barometer

?      George Westinghouse introduced ; Compressed air brake

?        Mr.Sperry invented; Gyrocompass

?        Chloroform was first discovered by; James Simpson

?        Who discovered x-rays; Roentgen

?        Steam Turbine was introduced by; Sir C.A. Parsons

?        Dr. Alfred Bernhard Nobel discovered ; Dynamite

?      Law of gravitation was introduced by; Sir Isaac Newton

?        Samuel Pier Point Langley invented ; Aeroplane

?      Rabies preventive vaccine was discovered by; Louis Pasteur

?        John Napier is famous for ; Logarithms

?        Hot air balloon was made by ; Montgolfier

?        Vaccination for smallpox was discovered by; Jenner

?        Who invented microscope; Jensson

?        Who discovered America; Christopher Columbus

?          Hahnmann was the founder of ; Homeopathy

?        Mr. Gatting invented; Machine gun

?        Who invented Adding Machine; Burroughs

?        Who invented helicopter; Sikorsky

?        Who discovered oxygen; Priestley Joseph

?        Who invented radar; Taylor

?           Who invented tape recorder; Poulsen

?        Who invented transformer; Stanley William

?        Who invented transistor ;W. Shockley

?        What is the scientific name of man ; Homo sapiens

?        Polio , AIDS and measles are caused by; virus

?      T.B., whooping cough and diphtheria are caused by; Bacteria

?      In making of butter, cheese and yogurt we use ; Bacteria

?      Dead bodies of organisms are broken down into simpler molecules by natural decomposers called ; Bacteria and Fungi

?        Who discovered bacteria in 1892; Leeuwenhoek

?        Which are called first Land Plants; Bryophyte

?        Lack of vitamin B can cause; Beri Beri

?        Goiter is caused by ; Deficiency of Iodine

?          Chemical name of vitamin C is ; Riboflavin

?        Fruit is formed from ;Ovary

?        Animals that feed on plants are; Herbivores

?      Mat eat both plants and animals so called ; Omnivore

?      The type of environment an organism lives in is called ; Habitat

?      The enzymes that digest carbohydrate are called ; Amylase

?        Pepsin produced in stomach digests the; proteins

?      Lipase is fat digesting enzyme that hydrolyses a small percentage of fats into fatty acids and ; Glycerol

?        Bile is secreted by; Liver

?      Blood sugar level is controlled by hormone called ; Insulin

?        Duodenum is a part of ; small intestine

?       The right atrium of heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body via; vena Cava

?      DNA double helix model was given by; Watson and Crick

?        Who gave the theory of evolution; Darwin

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