90.   A man is 5 times as old as his son. 2 years ago

the sum of the squares of their ages was 114. Find the present age of son.

(a) 7 years                                (b) 9 years

(c) 8 years                              (d) 81 /2 years

91. The number, whose 13% is 52, is

(a) 300                                         (b) 400

(c) 500                                         (d) 900

92.   15 men can do a work in 12 days. How

long it will take. 9 men to do the work?

(a) 14 days (b) 20 days (c) 9 days (d) 19 days

93.   40 men can do work in 25 days. How long it will
take 25 men to do the work?  .

(a) 50 days (b) 40 days (c) 60 days (d) 70 days

94.   60 men can do a work in 40 days. How long it
will take 20 men to do the work?

(a) 160 days                                 (b) 40 days

(c) 180 days (d) 120 days 95. The number, whose 15% is 75, is (a) 500 (b) 600 (c) 700 (d) 800

96. A shopkeeper bought a radio from a wholesaler

for Rs. 250.00. In addition, he paid a sales tax of 15% on the cost

price. He then sold the radio for Rs. 315.00. Calculate the cash profit made by the shopkeeper.

(a) Rs. 20.00
(b) Rs. 22.50
(c) Rs. 25.00
(d) Rs. 27.50

97.   A man takes 50 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6 km/hr. If

he walks with a speed of 10 km/hr, he covers the same distance in

(a) 1 hour                                    (b) 30 minutes

98. The number, whose 5% is 10, is

(a) 100                                              (b) 200

(c) 300                                              (d) 400

99.   The difference between simple and compound interest on Rs. 1625 for 3 years at 4% per annum in rupees is

(a) 7.95
(b) 7.90
(c) 7.70
(d) 7.75

100.                   The number, whose 5% is 55,,is

(a) 1100
(b) 2100
(c) 1200
(d) 1300

101.                We covered a 150 km distance of Islamabad road. The total distance is

370 km. What percentage of distance have we covered?

(a) 30%
(b) 40.54%
(c) 67%
(d) 41%

102.   Which number will come next?


(a) 9
(b) 8
(c) 7
(d) 10

103.   Insert the missing number:

4  5 7 11 19

(a) 22
(b) 32 (c)
(d) 24

104.Insert the missing number:

8  7 9 13 21

(a)   40
(b) 38 (c)
(d) 39

105.Insert the missing number:

64 48 36 34

(d) 30

106.   Insert the missing number:

718 (26) 582 474 (…)226

(b) 14
(d) 12

107.Insert the missing number:

11 12 14 ? 26 42

(b) 24
(d) 32

108.   Which one number will complete following number series?

8,9,8,7,10,9,6,11,10_________ 12

(a) 11
(b) 7
(c) 7
(d) 5

109.   Which number will come next?

Series: 1, 3, 7,15, 31, 63,______

(a) 123
(b) 125
(c) 127
(d) 129

110.   By selling a fan for Rs. 475, a person j loses 5%. To get a gain of 5%, he should 1 seU the fan for:

(a) Rs. 500
(b) Rs. 525

(c) Rs. 535
(d) Rs. 575

111. The
enrollment   in   a
certain secondary
school was 450 in 1979. By
1980   the
enrollment   had increased by 16%, what was the
enrollment in 1980?

(a) Rs.512
(b) Rs.518

(c) Rs.522
(d) Rs.526

113.     Which number will come next? 5,3,6,2,7,1————

(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 8
(d) 4

114. All gained 510 marks in

matriculation examination. What percentage of marks did he gain?

(a) 60%
(b) 57%
(c) 71%
(d) 73%

115.    Akhtar scored 178 marks out of 300 marks in a certain test. What percentage of marks did he score?

(a) 48%
(b) 52.41%
(c) 61.41%
(d) 59.33%

116.   The price of a book increases from Rs.120 to Rs.150. What is the percentage increases?

(a) 35%
(b) 25%
(c) 115%

117. .A cyclist covers 660 feet in 66 seconds. How many yards will he cover in the same time?

(a) 220                                 (b) 600

118.   The sum of 2 numbers Is 84, if one of them exceeds, the other by 12.Find the numbers?

(a) 40,52
(b) 1,13
(c) 36,48
(d) 72,84

119. The number, whose 7% is 14, is

(a) 500
(b) 400
(c) 300
(d) 200

120.   if the difference between 5 times and 9 times of a number is 24 the number is

(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7

121.   The speed of a car is 30km first hour and 32 km
in the second hour ,!ts average speed is

(a) 30 km (b) 31 km (c) 32km (d) 33 krn

122. The number, whose 7% is 21, is (b) 500 (b) 400 (c) 300 (d) 200

123.   What sum of money will amount to Rs,1800 in 5 years at 12% per annum simple interest‖

(a) 1000
(b) 1120
(c) 1125
(d) 1130

124.   Anwar bought a shirt for Rs.SOO and sold it
Rs,525, What profit did Anwar get?

(a) Ra.35                                      (b) Rs.30

(c) Rs.25

(d) Rs.20

125.   Sarwar Gujar bought a table for Rs.200 and sold it Rs.175, How much loss did Sarwsr Gujar gsi?

(a) Rs25                                        (b) Rs,20

(c) Rs.40                                      (d) Rs.30

126.     All sold a table for Rs.SOO which he was bought for Rs.1000. What is his % loss?

(a) 20%
(b) 80%
(c) 14%
(d) 17%

127.   Which number will come next?


(a) 19
(b) 22
(c) 16
(d) 20

128.   Which number will come next?

(a) 18
(b) 17
(c) 19
(d) 16

129.   Which number will come next? 1,1,8,4,27,9,_____

(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 9
(d) 16

130.   Which number wiii come next? 2.20,74,110,_____

(a) 115
(b) 132
(c) 114
(d) 182
131.The number, whose 9% is 63, Is
(a) 700
(b) 800
(c) 900
(d) 600

132.The bridge is completed in 20 days by 80 men, How long would 70 men to eomplete the work?

(a) 30 days

(b) 29 days

(c) 23 days                                        (d) 26 days

133.The road is completed In 35 days by 70 men. How long it will take 40 men to

eomplite the work?

(a) 58 days (c) 30 days

(b) 61 days

(d) 32 days

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