Descriptive form

Property of a set by a statement e.g, The set of animals in the zoo

Tabular form

We list all element within brackets and separate each element by using comma

e.g, A=(1,2,3,4…..9)


Natural number start 1 but whole number start 0

Successor and Predecessor

e.g, 36

next means 37 sucessor but behind means 35 predecessor

Commutative Law

In addition o f two whole number, result remains unchanged by changing their order. For e.g, 6 add 4 or 4 add 6 is equal 10

Associative law

In addition of three whole number, any two whole number can be added first for e.g,




Additive identity


1.   1+0=1


Means 0 additive identity

Multiplicative identity


5       multiple 1 is equal 5 , 8 multiple 1 is equal 8 means

1       is multiplicative identity

Distributive law

a * (b+c)= ab +ac

a *(b-c)=ab-ac


A number is divided by another number and remainder is zero then first number is said to be divisible by 2nd number

5/1 remainder is zero

prime number

A number having exactly 2 factors 1 and number itself call prime number e.g,2,3,5,7,11,13

Composite numbers

A number having factors other than 1 and itself is called composite number we can say that number having more than 2 factors e.g,(4,6,8,9…)


All number which are divisible by another number are called multiples

HCF-Highest Common Factor



Common =1,2,3,6

6 is HCF

HCF by Prime Factorization method

Prime factor of 72=2*2*2*3*3

Prime factor of 24= 2*2*2*3

common=2*2*2*3=24 is HCF by prime factorization method.

HCF by Long Division Method e.g, HCF of 9 and 12 by using LDM

large number divide small means 12/9 ,remainder 3 then 9/3 then remainder zero means 3 is HCF by LDM

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

The least common multiple of two or more number is the smallest numbers which is multiple each of given number.

LCM by Prime Factorization Method


find LCM of 24 and 9 by PFM

24=2*2*3*1=22 *3*1*

9=3*3*1=32 *1

LCM of 24 and 9 is 22* 32 *1 =24

LCM by Division Method

Arrange all the numbers in a row.choose a common of at least two of numbers and divide the numbers by it. Repeat process till no two numbers have common divisor. The product of the divisors and remainders is LCM


Whole number 0,1,2,3… together with –ve number

-1,-2,- 3…. are called integer. Zero is also integer but it is

neither +ve or –ve integer.

Positive integer

Natural number called positive integer e.g, 1,2,3,4,5……..

Negative integers

-1,-2,-3…… called negative integers

Ascending order

Arrange low number to high number e.g, -5,-3,1,3

Descending order

Arrange high number to low number e.g, 3,1,-3,-5

Absolute or numberical valve of a integer is distance from zero to that number on number line.


Divison of an integer by 0 is not possible because 0 time any number is zero

Antecedent and consequent

In a ratio, first element is called antecedent and second element is called consequent

E.g, 1/2 = 1 : 2

1       is numerator called antecedent and 2 is denominator called consequent



Means =extremes




25. of 50

25/100 * 50= 12.5


Profit = sale price – cost price

Profit percentage = profit / cost * 100


Loss=cost  price    sale  price                    Loss

percentage = loss/cost price *100


Discount = marked price – sale price

Discount percentage = discount / marked price * 100

Variable and costant

In algebra letter used which called variable and number having definite fixed valve called costant

Index or exponential form



These power 4 and 2 called index.

Coefficient in algebra

Multiplying factor of a variable e.g,4X where 4 called coefficient


Algebra is a general form of arithmetic

Area and perimeter

Surface covered by an object in plane called area of object and measurement of boundary of surface called its perimeter.

Area of rectangle = length * breadth

Area of parallelogram = height * base

Area of triangle and trapezium= ½(base * height)

Volume of cube(surface 6 vertices 8 and edges 12) = length * breadth * height

Length = breadth= height

Volume of cube = length3

Surface area of cube= 6 length2

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