Islamiat Mcqs For FPSC Test And Sample Paper

Who was the first martyre in Islam:

a.Hazrat Hamza (RA)

b.Hazrat Yasir (RA)

c.Hazarat Sumaya (RA)

c.Hazarat Sumaya (RA)

Who first embraced Islam among women:

a.Hazrat Fatima (RA)

b.Hazrat Zainab (RA)

c.Hazrat Khadija (RA)

d.Hazrat Ayesha (RA)

c.Hazrat Khadija (RA)

What is Istelam:

a.Salam to Kaaba

b. Salam to Hajre Aswad c.Kissing Hajre Aswad d.Praying at Muqam –e-Ibrahim

c.kissing Hajre Aswad

Who collected Quranic verses in one place:

a.Hazrat Umar (RA)

b.Hazrat Abdullah ibne Abbas (RA)

c.Hazrat Abdullah ibne Masud (RA)

d.Hazrat Usman (RA)

d.Hazrat Usman (RA)

How much Surah the Quran contains:






The Nisab of Zakat in gold is:

a.18 Tolas

b. 24 Tolas

c.7 ½ Tolas

d.35 Tolas

c.7 ½ Tolas

A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of:

a.Hazrat Usman

b.Hazrat Muaaz

c.Hazrat Saad

d.Hazrat Zaid

d.Hazrat Zaid

A Muslim female is coffined in:

a.Eight Sheets

b.Five Sheets

c.One Sheet

d.Ten Sheets

b.Five Sheets

The original name of Imam Bukhari is:

a. Saeed bin Hatem




d.Muhammad bin Ismail

d.Muhammad bin Ismail

Makka was conquered in:

a.5 A.H

b.10 A.H

c.2 A.H

d.8 A.H

d.8 A.H

Qurbani (Holy Slaughtering)is made during Hajj at:






Jami-i-Quran is taken for:

a.Hazrat Ali (R.A)

b.Hazrat Saad (R.A)

c.Hazrat Usman (R.A)

d.Hazrat Masood (R.A)

c.Hazrat Usman (R.A)

Pious-Caliphate lasted for about:

?    Eighteen Years

?    Twenty Years

?    Thirty Years

?    Five Years

c.Thirty Years

Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on:

a.9th Zil Hajjah

b.3rd Ramazan

c.2nd Safar

d.18 Shawal

a. 9th Zil Hajjah

How many stages the Quran contains? 7

Who was the first writer of "Wahi" in Quraish? Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)

Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled by: Imam Abu Hanifah (RA)

Imam Shafi took the office of "Religious Judgment" in the age of: 15 years

What was the name of foster sister of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? HazratShima (RA)

Namaz-e-Istisqa" is prayer for:  Rain

Who is called "saqi zam zam"? Hazrat Abbas (RA)

The "Kissing of the Hajr-e-Aswad" is called: Istelam

What is the number of Ramzan in the Islamic

Calender? 9th

Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith "Sahifa-e-Sadiqa."

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA)

Who advised Abu Bakr (R.A) to compile the Quran:

Hazrat Umar (R.A)

The Nisab of Zakat in Silver is: 52 ½ Tolas

The Prophet made Hazrat Muaaz bin Jabal the Governor of: Yaman

Who are the “Sahibain”? Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani

Hajj is not completed unless you go to: Arafat

“Kitab-al-Umm” is written by: Imam Shafi

The foundation of Bait Ul-Hikmah was laid down

during: Abbasid Period

First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?

Ahmad Sirhindi

Sahifa Hammam bin Munabih was found by: Dr. Hamidullah

In which Surat of Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain? Alkahaf

Muslims are the best of all due to: Moderation

Sahib Us-Ser is the nickname of: Hazrat Khuzaifa (R.A)

Masjide Khief is located in: Minna

Ghaseel ul Malaika is the title of: Hazrat Hanzala (R.A)

Who was appointed as Usher for Hijrat-e-Madinah? Hazrat Abdullah bin Ariqat (R.A)

Who was a historian jurist, philosopher, as well as a politician? Abdur Rehman Ibni Khaldoon

When law of inheritence was revealed? Four Hijree

Who was the last Commander in Chief for Ghazwa-e-Mautah? Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)

Imam Dar ul Hijrat is the title of: Imam Malik

Elm ul Iqt’saad k Musanif ka naam batain?

Ans: Allama Iqbal

Daar ul Musanifeen Azam Garh k baani ka naam batain?

Ans: Shibli

Jahan e Danish kis Noyat ki tasneef hai?

Ans: Sawan’h e Hayat -Autobiography of Ihsan Danish

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