English Mcqs For Any Test Preparation

When I asked him ______ the keys , Bilal said he had no idea where they were.
A. if did he see
B. if he had seen
C. could he see
D. that he had seen
The boy I was about to meet _________ play a very important role in my life.
A. is going to
B. might have
C. would get to
D. has had to
The confusion __________ the discovery of the body made everybody lose track of time.
A. had caused
B. was caused by
C. had been caused by
D. caused by
Have you met Fatima? She is a friend of ____________.
A. my
B. my mother
C. my mother’s
D. me
He give a lecture in which he pointed ________ an error in the book.
A. by
B. with
C. out
D. in
The situation in the factory _________)no signs of improvement, as the ongoing strike entered second day.
A. displayed
B. exposed
C. showed
D. view
I usually have bread and butter for breakfast, but yesterday I _________ pasta.
A. have been
B. had been
C. have
D. had
Make only a few rules for students that emphasize ____________behaviour.
A. correct
B. fitting
C. appropriate
D. useful
It’s about time you ___________exercising regularly.
A. start
B. started
C. should start
D. will start
Can you help ________up the mess?
A. clear
B. with clear
C. to clearing
D. me clearing

The deadline was nearby, so Mrs. Jamal had her students’________their essays.
A. complete
B. to complete
C. completing
D. completed
Javed, two of___________brothers attend primary school, wishes to be a school teacher after his graduation from the University.
A. whom
B. them
C. whose
D. which
She lived ___________juice for ten days to slim down for the fashion show.
A. with
B. by
C. in
D. off
My husband asked him if he’d ever been convicted ___________a crime.
A. with
B. of
C. by
D. on
The department head insisted that he _________absolute authority to regulate office work.
A. gives
B. is given
C. would give
D. would be given
She has been supporting her family ________her husband’s death.
A. on
B. at
C. from
D. since
There is something wonderful ___________him.
A. of
B. about
C. for
D. inside
Could I have a ______-of chocolate?
A. block
B. bar
C. slice
D. piece
Four independent__________testified to seeing him at the scene of the crime.
A. person
B. witnesses
C. spectator
D. attestant
May I give you_________advice?
A. an
B. some
C. little
D. one

There ___________any message from my teacher since she moved to London.
A. isn’t
B. wasn’t
C. hasn’t been
D. hadn’t been
If everything goes according to __________, work will be complete in December.
A. timing
B. time
C. schedule
D. lineup
Please ___________two colour passport photographs to the application form.
A. fix
B. link
C. hook up
D. attach
He shows great ability ________Mathematics.
A. at
B. for
C. about
D. in
The sparrows took no _________the bread.
A. notice of
B. notice about
C. notice from
D. notice to
The powers of the party are_____________in several places in the Constitution.
A. numbered
B. named
C. enumerated
D. counted
The teacher found many mistakes in my composition, when she went__________it.
A. into
B. about
C. for
D. through
The President’s speech was so ___________ that many people were persuaded to accept the need for change.
A. expressive
B. articulate
C. eloquent
D. calm
The fireman managed to put ____________the fire.
A. away
B. down
C. out
D. off
A system is __________if it is easy for citizens to access and understand.
A. transparent
B. lucid
C. clear
D. translucent

Did the boys turn _________for football practice?
A. up
B. on
C. back
D. in
Health__________labels have adorned cigarette packages since 1966 in USA.
A. information
B. note
C. message
D. warning
Some animals have unique___________that allow them to survive in extreme weather conditions.
A. characteristics
B. problems
C. feelings
D. conditions
What was the main__________behind london bombings.
A. aim
B. motive
C. objective
D. purpose
There was an_________response for the marathon.
A. overwhelming
B. overriding
C. excessive
D. extreme
I would really ____________if you could help me out.
A. respect
B. value
C. appreciate
D. regard
A speed limit is the___________legal speed that you can travel on the road.
A. highest
B. biggest
C. maximum
D. longest
Ali must have the________to stick to his diet, if he wants to lose weight.
A. obstinacy
B. determination
C. decision
D. obligation
Although he had no ____________injuries, doctors found that he was suffering from internal bleeding.
A. outside
B. external
C. outlying
D. exterior
________weight gain or weight loss is not good for your body.
A. Explosive
B. Excessive
C. Expressive
D. Extensive

Water is made up of two __________ , namely oxygen and hydrogen.
A. section
B. aspects
C. solutions
D. elements
Mr. and Mrs. Khan go for a ________ walk just before dinner.
A. vibrant
B. brisk
C. vivacious
D. slow
A Computer is hard to repair as there may be hundreds of different ____________?
A. parts
B. objects
C. components
D. materials
We shall go for a picnic if the weather ____________good.
A. is
B. was
C. has been
D. had been
In the test, we will ____________your work and then give you detailed feedback.
A. assess
B. judge
C. measure
D. check
The smoke went ________ the chimney.
A. by
B. in
C. up
D. on
She has only ________friends.
A. fewer
B. less
C. more
D. a few
He wore multiple bracelets on __________hand.
A. every
B. each
C. either
D. neither
I _________ to the Islamabad with some friends last night.
A. have gone
B. went
C. am gone
D. am going
Army ___________troubled places as curfew remained in force.
A. moving
B. walking
C. patrolling
D. running

____________you hear the President’s speech?
A. Have
B. Has
C. Had
D. Did
How much longer__________this book?
A. you are needing
B. will you be needing
C. will you have needing
D. have you needing
He decided to __________his degree examination in order to get a higher score.
A. redo
B. reappear
C. rewrite
D. remake
The news was__________good to be true.
A. very
B. too
C. so
D. as
The speaker did not properly space out his speech, but went on ___________one point only.
A. stressing
B. avoiding
C. devoting
D. decrying
How did these things come __________?
A. about
B. into
C. at
D. down
Macbeth’s desire _________ power brought about his downfall
A. in
B. for
C. with
D. as
The worker used __________ to patch up the hole in the wall.
A. sand
B. cement
C. soil
D. grass
The agenda for the meeting is __________ the notice
A. forwarded in
B. subscribed to
C. enclosed with
D. delivered as
I am exhausted, let’s _________a day.
A. call it
B. call at
C. call off
D. call in

It’s difficult __________reconcile such different points of view.
A. with
B. to
C. in
D. on
Many people reported ___________a noise in the night.
A. to hear
B. having heard
C. to have heard
D. been hearing
The colour of the walls in my room has faded _______.
A. in
B. with
C. away
D. on
The flight stewardess the passenger _____________.
A. when to start travelling
B. where to land the plane
C. how to fasten the seat belt
D. how to judge the altitude of the plane
I ____________a single word he says
A. not believe
B. don’t believe
C. am not believing
D. will not believe
She made her stepson her _______to her large fortune.
A. hare
B. heir
C. hair
D. here
The girl ran ___________the field when she saw her father after long time.
A. in
B. across
C. on
D. along
The Paralympics is a competition for the ______________.
A. disadvantaged
B. discouraged
C. disabled
D. despised
He has _________ his mind to Join Pak Army.
A. make by
B. made with
C. made by
D. made up
The farmers ____________their farms, if they had known that a thunderstorm was approaching.
A. will leave
B. would leave
C. will have left
D. would have left

I promise to ___________you in all circumstances.
A. stand up to
B. stand with
C. stand off
D. stand by
The problem ____________a lot of thought.
A. calls for
B. comes across
C. calls on
D. comes into
Do you prefer___________ or traditional art forms?
A. archaic
B. contemporary
C. foreign
D. simultaneous
It is already 8 o’clock. Can you _____ time to catch the bus?
A. have it in
B. have enough
C. make it in
D. made it
_________she is clever, she often makes mistakes.
A. Despite
B. Since
C. Although
D. Yet
It is certain that human beings _______________latent power of which they are only vaguely aware.
A. exhibit
B. possess
C. impose
D. knowledge
____________your instruction, we have closed your bank account.
A. In lieu
B. With regard to
C. In accordance with
D. On account of
He tends to___________to any suggestion I make in meetings.
A. differ
B. agree
C. accept
D. cooperate
My younger sister constantly misbehaves and is always causing ___________.
A. hostility
B. violence
C. mischief
D. courtesy

If you had followed the rules, you ____________disqualified.
A. will not be
B. would not be
C. will not have been
D. would not have been

The _________were arrested for illegally hunting the bears.
A. poachers
B. rangers
C. soldiers
D. villagers
________you leave now, you will be late.
A. Until
B. Till
C. Unless
D. Although
The man ___________down the road is my brother.
A. hurry
B. hurried
C. to hurry
D. hurrying
John said he __________to play at home.
A. would prefer
B. prefer
C. will prefer
D. had prefered
The housewife __________the cakes burning, and ran to switch off the oven.
A. smell
B. smells
C. smelt
D. smelling
If we go to the park, __________you like to come too ?
A. shall
B. are
C. would
D. am
When will you hand ____ your assignment?
A. in
B. back
C. down
D. into
I am very much __________to meet you.
A. delight
B. to delight
C. delighting
D. delighted
If I had helped him, he ____________drowned.
A. will not be
B. would not be
C. will not have
D. would not have 

He has many friends, but _________are good ones.
A. a few
B. few
C. the few
D. the some

_________the rain forests is very important, if we do not want the flora and fauna found there to become extinct.
A. Reserving
B. Destroying
C. Preserving
D. Maintaining
That was __________movie I have ever seen.
A. worse
B. the worst
C. most worst
D. bad
I assume ______________with me.
A. every one agreeing
B. that every one agrees
C. every one to agree
D. that every one to agree
There is quite tenuous evidence _________it.
A. with
B. at
C. for
D. must
The company let me ____ time off work.
A. take
B. taking
C. to take
D. took
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
___________you wake me up so early on a Sunday?
A. could
B. dare
C. must
D. will
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
Do not stay in the grasslands after dark, as some animals become _________when they see humans.
A. provoked
B. alerted
C. aggressive
D. threatened
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
My father was angry ________my failure.
A. in
B. on
C. with
D. at
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
She remained a __________all her life.
A. spinster
B. bachelor
C. unmarried
D. single
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
My brother is devoted _____________religion.
A. with
B. to
C. at
D. in

The lion sprang____________the buffaloes.
A. at
B. in
C. upon
D. on
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
The song in the play cannot be deleted as it is _________to the story.
A. intervened
B. innate
C. exacting
D. integral
After_____________smoking, they let the cigarette fall on the wood floor.
A. finished
B. finishing
C. had finished
D. finishes
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
There is something wonderful ____ him.
A. of
B. about
C. for
D. inside
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
He _________ in Pakistan.
A. live
B. lives
C. is living
D. living
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
The building is not safe and must be ___________down.
A. pull
B. pulling
C. pulled
D. pulls
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
He is blind _________ one eye.
A. in
B. of
C. to
D. with
I shall look _________ the matter.
A. in
B. about
C. into
D. after
I am very much ________ to meet you.
A. delight
B. to delight
C. delighting
D. delighted
All of us are devoted ________ one another.
A. of
B. at
C. to
D. with

The man __________ down the road is my brother.
A. hurry
B. hurried
C. to hurry
D. hurrying
It is already 5 o’clock. Can you _____ time to catch the bus?
A. have it in
B. have enough
C. make it in
D. made it
It is certain that human beings ______ latent power of which they are only vaguely aware
A. exhibit
B. possess
C. impose
D. knowledge
If we go to the park, ______ you like to come too ?
A. shall
B. are
C. would
D. am
Some people __________ to the officer against him about his mis-deeds
A. asked
B. complained
C. question
D. informed
The police forces have launched an operation to _______ out the kidnapped person
A. track
B. touch
C. nib
D. trace
If she is not interested, we will __________ the proposal.
A. vaccant
B. abandon
C. impulse
D. remove
There is something wonderful _______ him.
A. of
B. about
C. for
D. inside
The President’s speech was so ___________ that many people were persuaded to accept the need for change.
A. expressive
B. articulate
C. eloquent
D. calm
A speed limit is the _________ legal speed that you can travel on the road.
A. highest
B. biggest
C. maximum
D. longest

In the test, we will _________ your work and then give you detailed feedback.
A. assess
B. judge
C. measure
D. check
The speaker did not properly space out his speech, but went on _______ one point only.
A. stressing
B. avoiding
C. devoting
D. decrying
It’s difficult ______ reconcile such different points of view
A. with
B. to
C. in
D. on
I promise to ________ you in all circumstances
A. stand up to
B. stand with
C. stand off
D. stand by
A. Soldier : Crew
B. Grain : Bundle
C. Chicken : Brood
D. Bees : Heap
A. Cat : Playful
B. Horse : Runner
C. Vixen : Cute
D. Ant : Industrious
A. Body : Weigh
B. Silk : Cloth
C. Wood : Grains
D. Ornaments : Gold
A. Gulp : Sip
B. Confide : Tell
C. Hunt : Stalk
D. Step : Walk
A. Throne : Regal
B. Wrap : Ermine
C. Pen : Author
D. Crucifix : Religion
A. Injection : Disease
B. Vaccination : Body
C. Medicine : Cure
D. Teacher : Student

A. Patch : Quilt
B. Stain : Glass
C. Carve : Knife
D. Chase : Metal
A. Programme : Function
B. Performance : Ticket
C. Map : Scale
D. Footnote : Article
A. Hockey : Stick
B. Cricket : Bat
C. Skating : Rink
D. Football : Goal
A. Cockroach : Insect
B. Bedsheet : Bed
C. Pillow : Cushion
D. Mat : Floor
A. Philatelist : Stamps
B. Jeweller : Jewels
C. Cartographer : Maps
D. Geneticist : Chromosomes
A. diplomat : negotiation
B. misanthrope : cynicism
C. umpire : reconciliation
D. guru : respect
E. boor : sensitivity
A. unsuccessful : achieve
B. conscientious : shirk
C. compliant : yield
D. staid : laugh
E. amenable : argue
A. bias : judgment
B. exaggeration : deception
C. inducement : invitation
D. loquaciousness : talk
E. distortion : paraphrase
A. kindliness : animosity
B. anxiousness : apathy
C. boldness : strength
D. purposefulness : enthusiasm
E. fastidiousness : selectivity
A. epithet : correspond
B. oration : publish
C. conservation : expend
D. concession : placate
E. sentence : prosecute

conspire : plot
coincide : contradict
secrete : conceal
infiltrate : influence
frame : incriminate
A. expand : swell
B. descend : plummet
C. add : accelerate
D. cool : solidify
E. stretch : flex
A. violin : concerto
B. overture : musical
C. duet : ensemble
D. lyric : poem
E. aria : opera
A. meadow : soil
B. egg : bird
C. medium : bacterium
D. lair : predator
E. kernel : seed
A. immunity : vulnerable
B. habituation : inured
C. invigoration : stimulating
D. sleep : anesthetic
E. disinfection : preventive
A. rhetoric : persuasion
B. prevarication : truth
C. metaphor : description
D. repetition : boredom
E. conciliation : appeasement
A. aggravate : contemptuous
B. endorse : esteemed
C. extenuate : guilty
D. compliment : impressed
E. rationalize : modest
A. liar : facetious
B. dupe : gullible
C. commentator : caustic
D. judge : impartial
E. criminal : hostile
A. exculpate : victim
B. desecrate : shrine
C. recriminate : hero
D. redeem : honor
E. rescind : order

A. propose : stipulate
B. enlist : support
C. relegate : consign
D. volunteer : accept
E. select : reject
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