Educators and AEOs Test Preparation General Methods of Teaching Mcqs - pedagogy

Educators and AEOs Test Preparation General Methods of Teaching Mcqs - pedagogy

1=Solo Taxonomy consists of levels (4)

2=Two Or More Aspects are understood in (Multistructural level)

3=SOLO Taxonomy was presented by (Biggs nd Collis)

4=SoLO Stants for? (Structure of the observed Learning output)

5=Symposium is a type of (Discussion method)

6=Arm strong was the exponent of (Heuristic method)

7=Activity involves (Physical and mental action)

8=We move from specific to general in ( inductive method)

9=practice is made in (Drill method)

10=The Socratic method is known as (Question Answer method)

11=Duration of lessons in macro lesson plan is ( 35 to 45 min)

12=American approach emphasizes (Learning objectives)

13=which one is not the type of lesson plans on the basis of objectives (Micro lesson plan)

14=Drama or role play is useful for teaching (History)

15=Which is not the objective of drama/role play (Do make rehearsals)

16=The Number of students in cooperative Learning Groups are (3 to 4)

17=cooperative Learning is an alternative to (Competitive models)

18=the Students like to spend the most of the time with (peers)

19=peer culture constitutes (Socialization)

20=CAI stands for (Computer Assisted instruction

21=Which is not the mode of CAI (Question Mode)

22=Example of Cognitive domain is:(Describe a topic)

23=At the highest level of hierarchy is (Evaluation)

24=The Hiest level of cognitive domain is (Evaluation)

25=Educational objctvs hv been divided into (3 domains)

26=Taxonomy of educational objctvs was presented in (1956)

27=The classification of cognitive domain was presented by (Benjamin S.Bloom)

28=Cognitive Domain hv (6 Subgroups)

29=The Lowest level of Learning in cognitive domain is (Knowledge)

30=Knowing/memorizing and recalling is concerned with (Knowledge)
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